October 22, 2023

Hi, davvn! It's very exciting to learn a little more about you. Thanks for take some time to chat! Your latest release sounds amazing! What inspires you to make music?
Mike: Thank you! We love to make music to express emotions and tell stories from our lives. From a young age, we’ve both bounced around between different bands and we love to be on stage and also to make music with our friends. There’s nothing like the bond you have between friends when you make something really cool together!
What is the message you want to send with your latest single?
McCall: “Care Less” is a song about being a people pleaser and struggling to confront some of those bad friends or family members in your life that can be a drain on you. I think everyone has had this kind of person in their life at some point and knows the feeling. It’s hard to stand up and be confrontational, so this song was a cheeky way to express those feelings.
Why do you prefer this musical genre in which this release "Care Less" was made?
Mike: We both grew up on pop-punk bands and loved all the angsty energy from bands like Fall Out Boy, Motion City Soundtrack, and Boys Like Girls. We channeled a lot of this into the creative process and making those huge guitars and drums that hit you right at the start and keep going through the song. The lyrics are also very classic tongue-in-cheek pop punk wittiness.
Who are your favorite musical artists or bands, what artists influenced you?
McCall: So many favorites that it’s hard to pick! Right now, some of our favorites are Avril Lavigne, Michelle Branch, Paramore, and newer acts like Charlotte Sands.
How you recording/production process looks like?
McCall: We’re huge fans of co-writing, and it usually starts with an idea that we bring to a write with one of our friends. Mike usually produces out a demo for all of our songs before we bring it to our producer Andrew Gomez to polish the track and add on a bunch of new creative energy to the song.
What is your music dreams?
Mike: Our biggest dream is to be able to tour and play our music every night to new faces. We’d love to be able to play a festival too! We’re huge fans of going to festivals and the energy there is just unmatched. It really feels like the whole festival comes together to make those special moments.
What frustrates you most as a musical artist?
McCall: I think the hardest part of being an artist these days is managing the workload of being creative and also running your music as a business. You have to write the music, get the music finished, create content, plan shows, and it takes a huge amount of energy to keep that going. Being a duo really helps us to split up this mental workload, and also we’re so appreciative of all the other creatives, producers, photographers and artists that help make us look like we have all our stuff together. :)
Do you have any career plans for the coming year 2024
Mike: Yes! Hoping to make 2024 our biggest year yet - we’ve got our debut EP release coming up early in the year, and so many new songs that we’re really excited to let everyone hear. Hoping to follow that up with a tour or a few weekend trips to do some shows around the US.
Interviewer Thexele Blog