Acoustic | Americana | Folk Pop
Minimalistic arrangement with smooth guitar riffs and intimate presentation of the performer do not leave anyone indifferent...
"Some Time Ago" was released in May of 2022. In essence it's an acoustic ballad about a broken heart in the Americana genre. The voice of the performer, the relaxed style, and the storytelling entrust you with something special, dedicate a secret story to you and unobtrusively lead you into a state of nostalgia balance and relaxation. There is a very strong feeling of warmth - it's like you have returned home. It seems like you talk to a best friend in the backyard and you're very comfortable at this moment. All of this does make me excited about this piece of music from Connor Desai.
The lyrics of the song are honest and at the same time allegorical. It looks like everything is elementary, but behind the veil of this simplicity lies the topic of gender inequality, which the author wants to shed light on:
“Historically, struggles for equality involve a war. Gender equality is strange in this way - here we are sharing beds, maybe raising a couple kids, and there’s this deeply problematic undercurrent that we have no frame of reference for solving. In public we marched, empathized with each other during #metoo and targeted a handful of high profile predators with #timesup. But how much progress did we make? Where are we with equal pay and representation? Parental leave? Reproductive rights? The level of compartmentalization reminds me of how the public rituals of girlhood often wander into the private anguish of womanhood. M.A.S.H. bleeds into E.P.T. That’s the story I want to tell.” - Connor Desai

Desai is an amazing woman. Born in Allentown, PA to a large family. She absorbed folk pop, rock and jazz music during her childhood. Today she is a mother of three children, a mathematician, and at the same time quite a successful singer-songwriter! One of her singles was featured on Netflix on the popular show "The One" and hit 50,000 Shazams in just a few weeks.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
Music Review by Thexele
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